Many friends ask about "Bundish" and its simple treatment, Actually "Bundish" is a special amal which is done to stop all activities of a person, usually activities concerning progress and well being of a person, >like marriage, >relationship between husband and wife, >sexual interests and power of the married couple (usually in males) >sources of income, >promotion, >cure out of diseases etc As far as solution of bundish is concerned, there are lot of methods, most of them are very difficult to adopt or practice, but tonight i tell you the easiest and the best of all, and this is called "ilaaj bil maa" and this is by drinking the water of "saat ghaat", means 7 different places ,and in these 7 waters one must be of "chalta paani" (water of river or canals which is running and covers thousands of miles and cant be stopped, because such water run all the stopped works (bundish), all these waters are mixed together >> and its better to reciete surat fatiha, ayat al kursi and maooziteen (surat falak and surat naas) on it (all 7-7 times with bismillah in start and darood sharif 7-7 times before and after the amal==>>for Muslims or believers >>but this mixture of water as such can also be used, because it has effects supported by "ilaaj bil maa" (treatment with water) Method of use= This water is given to the patient to drink before sun rise, and also taking bath with the same water and this water may all be sprayed on the walls of his room and even his sleeping bed, or his shop. Always remember to do some khairaat in the name of creator (Allah) before doing such amliyat to get rid of all such amals of bundish.