Cancer Cure Possible By Reciting Qur'anic Verses
Cancer Cure Possible By Reciting Qur'anic
The holy Qur'an revealed by Allah swt is an effective solution. It contains a
cure for all the diseases. There is no reason why a patient should not regain
health if verses from the Qur'an are recited.
A patient was suffering from cancer a few years ago and the doctor lost all hope for his cure. A pious woman wrote down for the patient some various small verses of the Qur'an for the patient. He kept reading the verses daily over some years and his cancer got entirely cured leaving no signs of the disease. After getting cured the patient in Abu Dhabi distributed photocopies of the verses so that any Muslim who suffers from this horrible disease may derive benefit from the verses.
It is possible to cure cancer by verses from the Holy Qur'an. The verses are as follows:
1. Wa nunazzilu
minal Qur'ani ma huwa shafaaun wa rahmatul lil Mu'mineen (17:82).
2. Wa Izaa Maridhtu Fa Huwa Yashfin
3. Wa Qul Rabbi ghfir warham wa Anta Khairun Raahimeen (23:118)
4. Amman Yujeebul Mudhtarra Izaa Da'aahu wa yakshifu Soo'a (27:62)
5. Qulna Ya Naaru Kuni Bardan wa Salaam alaa Ibrahim (21:69)
6. Wa Ayyuba iz Naada Rabbahu anni massaniya dhuroo wa anta arhamu Rahimeen,
7. Fada'a Rabbahu Anni Maghloobun Fantasir, (54:10)
8. Laa Illaha Illa Anta Sub'haanaka Inni Kuntu mina Zaalimeen, (21:87)
9. Fastajbna Lahu wa najjainahu minal ghammi wa kazaalika nunjil Mu'mineen
10. Inna Rabbi alaa kuli shai,een hafeedh (11:57)
11. Hasbuna Llaahu wa Ni'mal Wakeel, (3:73)
12. Wa tawakkal ala Llaahi wa kafaa billaahi wakeela, (33:3)
13. Alaysa Llaahu bikaafin Abdah (39:36)
14. Huwa Maulakum fa ni'mal maula wa ni'man naseer (22:78),
15. Alhamdu Li Llaahi Rabbil Aalameen,
16. Ni'mal Maula wa ni'man Naseer
17. Tabaaraka Llaahu Ahsanul Khaliqeen,
18. Laa Haula wa Laa Quwata illa Billaaahi Aliyyil Azeem.
Translation from Gujarati Isna-Asheri Masik Page 21 December,